Resource 365: What to Know About Resource 365

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    resource 365 tiltWith Microsoft’s Indirect Cloud Service Provider program, getting started with Dynamics 365 is easier than ever for Partners and enables traditional ERP resellers to easily generate recurring revenue in the cloud with almost no upfront investment. However, one thing you will need to invest is a bit of time. We have released Resource 365 to help you minimize your time investment for kick starting your D365 practice.
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    Resource 365 is a concise library of resources and instructions to help partners quickly consume the necessary knowledge and take the proper steps to start generating new revenue in the cloud with D365 and Office 365.

    Becoming a Microsoft Cloud Service provider through the Indirect CSP program means all the heavy lifting is done for you by Indirect CSPs like Stratos Cloud Alliance.

    As a CSP with Stratos Cloud Alliance you will also be able to sell a suite of other apps and products, including Azure with a cloud marketplace customized for your website.

    Enrolling as a CSP is FREE. To learn more about enrolling as a CSP see the first steps at Resource 365.

    The SCA Onboarding process brings multiple moving parts together in a systematic experience to help partners quickly launch a Microsoft Cloud Solution Marketplace.  As a strategic go-to-market partner, SCA helps partners launch a D365 practice within 30 Days.

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