Microsoft Dynamics Licensing and Support Experts at the Ready
While Dynamics GP, SL, NAV, and AX, the original on-premise versions of Microsoft Dynamics ERP, are still marketed in some places, and many companies still use them happily and successfully, most new implementations are occurring in the cloud with Dynamics 365.
Many companies are finding it harder and harder to find Microsoft Partners who will still support these platforms and are either searching for a new support provider or are making a transition they neither want nor feel ready for.
Stratos Cloud will continue to support your continuing support of these platforms until extended support is withdrawn eventually by Microsoft and, in some cases, even beyond that.
When you work with Stratos Cloud as your CSA provider partner you can tell your customers that you will not only support their continued use of on-prem Dynamics solutions, you will also work with them to determine when will be the best time to transition to a more modern solution and how to make that change most efficiently.
You need not bully your customers into doing something they don’t find desirable. You work with them to make it all work well, with continuing support from Stratos Cloud.
Private Cloud Hosting of Microsoft Dynamics GP, SL, NAV, and AX
Many customers would love to take advantage of cloud hosting but aren’t ready for the transition to Dynamics 365. Here’s your opportunity to move them in the right direction without risking the wheels coming off. Stratos Cloud hosts your customer’s instances of Dynamics GP, SL, NAV, or AX. Fundamental operations are managed for them so they can concentrate on doing what makes them most successful, their own business.
You, Stratos Cloud, and Dynamics On-Prem
Make the most of the final stages of the lifecycle of Dynamics on-premise offerings. Whether you offer to host them with Stratos Cloud and remove that burden from your customer, or assure your customer that you’ll help them plan the most efficient, appropriate transition to Dynamics 365 without rush, your partnership will help you help every customer exit on-prem and move to the Dynamics 365 cloud most gracefully.
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