Want a lightsaber? Stop by booth 1507 to enter for a chance to win a free realistic lightsaber replica from UltraSaber.
Use #SCAjedi with #MSInspire on twitter and get the most interactions while attending Microsoft Inspire 2018 for your chance to win.
We are also raffling off a second lightsaber to one of our booth visitors on the Inspire expo floor.
These sabers are more than just toys. They’re as close to the real deal as you can get in this galaxy at this moment in time, and they’re made from heavy duty materials so you won’t be afraid to take it out and practice your skills.
We are excited to hear from Dynamics Partners , Microsoft employees, ISVs and the rest of the channel in Las Vegas. Check out our Inspire Page with downloads and videos to learn more and help you get ready for the conference. Inspire 2018 Page
You can also enter to win $7,500 in marketing services from Stratos Cloud Alliance and take a picture with heroes from a galaxy far, far away. Come see us on the expo foor.
So many changes have effected the channel since last year’s Inspire that this one is sure to be interesting.