What is PartnerOn?

Support and accelerate your Microsoft Cloud revenue with simple marketing automation through Project PartnerOn. PartnerOn is FREE and delivers access to consistent, relevant, and customizable marketing content to share with your customers and prospects in just a few clicks.

Let Us Build and Manage Your PartnerOn Campaign for Microsoft Cloud

  • Configure – $100 Setup fee if you want our help
  • Manage – $25 Monthly fee if you want SCA to manage it

Microsoft built PartnerOn in collaboration with ContentMX, a team that has worked closely with partners in the channel for almost 20 years.

How to Get Started with Your SCA Managed PartnerOn Campaign

1. Sign Up for PartnerOn

2. Assign an SCA Admin User

3. Build Your Channels

5. Share Content for Social, Blog and Email

4. Upload Contacts

  • Sign into PartnerOn
  • From the main menu, select “Contacts » Import Contacts”
  • Follow PartnerOn’s easy to use contact import engine

5. Request SCA Managed Campaign

*If you are not an SCA member you can join here

Request SCA PartnerOn Services