Seizing the Dynamics cloud Opportunity: Staying Relevant Through Digital Transformation

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While it remains true that a stalwart on-premise ERP and CRM customer base exists in the channel, staying relevant through the digital transformation of the market means adapting to customer expectations of mobility and cloud. Business customers now expect technology that works the way consumer technology does. As the business software channel “Moves to Modern”, customers expect user-friendly ERP and CRM functionality with simple access to a robust marketplace of applications to enhance the performance of their core ERP and CRM systems. Solution providers and managed service providers (MSPs) who are able to differentiate themselves by delivering business value through vertical Intellectual Property (IP) and functional expertise in the Dynamics 365 space will enjoy the lion’s share of new Dynamics cloud opportunity.

The conclusions reached within this whitepaper culminated from 30 years of experience from the experts at SBS Group. Here we will examine:

  • Challenges to seizing the Dynamics 365 opportunity
  • How SCA helps capitalize on the D365 opportunity
  • Growing with Dynamics 365

Of course, the high cost of entry and strain on resources to build a Dynamics 365 practice from scratch would create a reorganization upheaval for many traditional Dynamics solution and services providers. Microsoft recognizes this challenge and has partnered with the Stratos Cloud Alliance, an exclusive Indirect Cloud Service Provider, to enable Dynamics solution providers and MSPs to easily build their Dynamics 365 practice without strain and little upfront cost of entry.