
Stratos Cloud Alliance Awarded 2023 Indirect Cloud Solution Provider Microsoft US Partner of the Year

The Indirect Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Program selects a limited number of Indirect CSP Providers to provide customer support, pricing & licensing support and billing of Microsoft Cloud solutions. The Stratos Cloud Alliance goes well above and beyond these baseline offerings, helping our partners to effectively market, sell, implement and support Microsoft cloud technologies.    …
2023 Partner day awards

Winners Announced for 2023 Stratos Cloud Alliance Partner of the Year Awards 

Stratos Cloud Alliance Partner of the Year Awards Stratos Cloud Alliance Partners were recognized for outstanding performance in distinct categories at the Annual Partner Day meeting held prior to the 2023 Directions North America Conference in Orlando, Florida.   COLUMBUS, OH — MAY 19, 2023 — The Stratos Cloud Alliance Partner of the Year Winners were…